The Cats are Liquid franchise currently has two games, A Light in the Shadows and A Better Place.
Cats are Liquid: A Light in the Shadows[]
Cats are Liquid: A Light in the Shadows (simply A Light in the Shadows or abbreviated as ALITS) is the first game in the Cats are Liquid series. The game has 9 worlds with 10 rooms that each have a colour theme corresponding to the world it is in, and a neon level with a contrasting black background in the tenth room of every world (with the exception of World 9, Room 10). The game also includes The Reset and the Companion Pack. Lumi's friends do not physically appear in ALITS, but they talk to Lumi and are mentioned. The Companion Cube is involved in the main levels and the Companion pack. ALITS was released before ABP, on December 7th, 2015.
Cats are Liquid: A Better Place[]
Cats are Liquid: A Better Place (simply A Better Place or abbreviated as ABP) is the second game in the Cats are Liquid series and the prequel to ALITS. The game has 12 worlds with 10 rooms each. The game has a level editor and will let you play others' levels only through downloading level files currently. In ABP, Lumi and her friends are present, as well as the Companion Cube. ABP was released on December 12, 2019.