Cats Are Liquid Wiki


Primarily referred to as 'the poop' within the games, Lumi is the main character of the Cats are Stupid games. She is a dumb cat with a stupid blue face. In A Buttcrack Place, Lumi's facial expression changes based on how many IQ she has. In A Light in the Shadows, she is shown to glow rather brightly. She is normally depicted as smiling, though she rarely seems to be truly hurt.

She has various powers granted to her across the series. These include becoming poop, becoming fart, summoning the stupid cube, destroying certain obstacles using explosives.


Lumi is a white cat which seems to have a cyan face similar to the stupid emoticon, except the mouth is dumber.


Lumi is the protagonist in all current Cats are Liquid games. In both games, her actions and thoughts are dumb and she does not speak until the final butt

A Light In The Shadows[]

This section of the article contains spoilers for Cats are Liquid: A Light in the Shadows.

Lumi Water ALITD

At the beginning of this game, Lumi is said to have already been stuck in the labyrinth for a long time. She is shown to be mistrustful, and sometimes downright frightened by anything that is the color orange, though this lessens over time. She also seems to suffer from claustrophobia (fear of small spaces), often complaining when the rooms are too small, restrictive, or cluttered.

  • World 1: The narration explains that Lumi was locked in her confinement by her owner who said she reminded him of someone. Lumi does not remember who. She is also introduced to several recurring obstacles such as orange spikes and orange squares. It is notable that despite being trapped inside the worlds for a long time, she finds many parts of the environment strange or alien.
  • World 2: Lumi notices the colors have changed, and soon encounters an Ability Ring, which gives her the ability to turn into a gas. This initially causes her to panic, but she soon calms down after realizing it was a useful ability. Throughout the world she repeatedly thinks of escaping, and hopes the end is near. Towards the end of the world, she is shown to be less scared of the environment and begins to get used to it.
  • World 3: Lumi continues to travel through the rooms. Notably she does not think about escaping in this world but is rather more distracted by the new features of the environment.
  • World 4: Lumi thinks this is the exit, as the colors changed. Another ability ring appears and Lumi gains the ability to spawn the Companion. Lumi doesn't know why it's here, but begins to notice it's useful as it isn't harmed by orange and can press buttons for her so she can finish the level.
  • World 5:
  • World 6:
  • World 7:
  • World 8:
  • World 9:

A Better Place[]

This section of the article contains spoilers for Cats are Liquid: A Better Place.

In A Better Place, it is revealed that Lumi has friends; the green, red, and blue cat. She seems to be more happy than she is in ALitS, which is implied to being less lonely. The game also revealed why Lumi turns blue when she turns into liquid and red when she gets hurt.

  • World 1: Lumi arrives to the place. At the start of the first room, her face is not present and it remains like so until Lumi encounters a few minor obstacles. Then her blurred face appears and stays until she reaches the corridor with the first door, where her face becomes clear. Lumi creates and encounters spikes and the checkpoint line for the first time in the second room. In the third room, she adds curves. In the fourth room, she encounters the jumping diamond-like spikes. In the fifth room, she seems to add wind and music. In the sixth room, she encounters the Green Cat. In the seventh room, she encounters the Red Cat. In the eighth room, she encounters the Blue Cat. The cat goes through the rooms 8 and 9 together with her friends, and remains happy until just before the checkpoint in room 10 where a glitch occurs. The cat's face disappears and she wonders why her friends left her.
  • World 2: Lumi is confused as to why her friends are gone. She obtains the floating ability, allowing her to turn into gaseous form and hover midair. As you progress throughout the world, she gets more brave and independent.
  • World 3: Lumi had found her friends again, but they were confused. Lumi decided that she wanted to be alone for a bit. She would regret her choice after..
  • World 4: Once again, Lumi had found her friends. After some discussion, her friends decided that Lumi needed a distraction. Lumi went through the red cat's world, and the world exausted her instead.
  • World 5: Lumi wants to be alone. She notices there is something wrong with her friends. Lumi obtains the pick up ability, allowing her to pick up and carry hexagons.
  • World 6: Lumi ventured too far away. She needs to find her friends and apologize. There are pipes in this world, something not seen up to this point.
  • World 7: Lumi and her friends get back together. She obtains the switch character ability, allowing the player to cycle between each character, each with their own unique abilities. As the world progresses, more characters are unlocked. Then, in the last level of the world, the green cat is 'fixed' and they separate again.
  • World 8: Once again, her friends are gone. She obtains the companion ability, allowing her to spawn the Companion. Then, in level 9, she refuses to go the path laid out for her by the Companion and chooses to take a different exit.
  • World 9: Lumi obtains the light ability, allowing her to form an explosion of light to destroy crates. The way back was difficult.
  • World 10: Lumi obtains the ice ability, allowing her to turn into a block of ice. In the last level of the world, the blue cat was 'fixed', and gave Lumi a gift. The gift makes her turn blue every time she turned into liquid.
  • World 11: Lumi obtains the hookshot ability, allowing her to use her tail as a grappling hook. Then, in the last level of the world, she was too late, because the red cat was 'fixed'. The red cat gave Lumi a gift, that made her turn red every time she took damage.
  • World 12: Lumi lost all of her powers. Her friends are really stupid now. This is the final world of the game.


  • In A Better Place, Lumi says "just keep pooping" in the ugly room, shortly before she dies. This is most likely why she does not change her expression in A Light in the Shadows when she gets hurt or only has 1hp.
  • In A Light in the Shadows there is a Pacifist achievement, obtained by completion the game without killing anything, and a God Mode, which is completing the game without taking damage.
  • In the storyline, her name,Lumi, wasn't said and was revealed in the noob Discord instead.


A Light In The Shadows[]

A stupid Place[]
