The Red Cat is one of Lumi's friends, nothing much is known about them.
It is theorized that in ALitS, Red, Blue, and Green talk to Lumi in the neon levels via different text font.
Red appears to be an energetic cat, since they jump up and down when first met. They also are very fast, and use the Liquid ability a lot despite not being able to turn into liquid while playing as them.
They're a red cat that always looks smug, even when they aren't. Their tail is pointy, and the half of it is twisted to the left.
Their ability makes them able to use their tail like a grappling hook, if a red sphere is close. When used, a 'spider-y' sound plays. This ability is very useful to get around on pits, either hollow or with spikes.
- After they are 'fixed', Lumi turns red when damaged.
- They are the last cat to be 'fixed'.